Macro menu

With over 1100 macros currently available for editors to use, how can you find one for the task you have in mind?

The useful ‘Macro Menu’ is a pdf file (regularly updated) where all the macros are listed, grouped under 24 categories. On the left is the macro name, and on the right is a one-line descriptor of its function.

Here’s a section from the Macro Menu:
• ProperNounAlyse Alerts you to possible proper noun misspellings, showing their frequency
• HyphenAlyse Shows the frequency of word pairs in hyphenated, two-word and single-word form
• CitationAlyse Checks citations against references
• ShortTitleAlyse Analyses short titles to check references against citations

Use this list to find the macro you need. When you find one, click on its name and a new page will open containing the macro code ready for you to copy it and install it into Visual Basic. If this is starting to sound confusing, don’t panic. Stop and download Macros from Square One. It will teach you how to install macros into Visual Basic, and how to use the Macro Menu to find just the macro you need. Or start one step before that with the Macros – Free Trial, which requires less technical chutzpa. Both these are start-ups are linked on ‘How can I get started?

If you would like more information about what each macro does, just click on the one-line descriptor; this will download a PDF of the chapter in Paul’s book where that macro is described in greater detail, telling you how you can use it. To find the macro details within the chapter, do a search for the macro name.

8 Replies to “Macro menu”

  1. Hi there
    I use a mac computer and am trying to run the CitationAlyse macro. It is returning an error – “Compile error: Ambiguous name detected: CitationAlyse”. Unless I delete the macro, I am unable to use any other macros. Does this particular code not run on macs? Thank you.

  2. Thank you for sharing these amazing resources! I have used macros before, but your list is so extensive and useful. I am very grateful.

    I really want to use the CommentCollectTabulated macro, but I keep getting an error message: Compile error: for control variable already in use
    And it highlights the row: For i = 1 To myDelay

    Is there anything I can tweak to make it work?
    Thank you again.

  3. Hi Paul,
    Hope you’re keeping well.
    I just wanted to say how much I love your macros. They have saved me loads of time. So, thank you!
    Also, I was just wondering whether you perhaps have one that can fish out abbreviations from a manuscript and create a list of them which I could then use to create a list of abbreviations.
    The relevant abbreviations in this doc are “all caps” e.g. AFL, so maybe it could look for words with two or more letters in caps and make a list of those.
    Would that be possible?
    Thanks very much,
    Mandy Chandler

    1. Sorry, I only just saw this. (I should check the website comments more often!)
      The macro you want is: AcronymLister

      I searched the Macro Menu for “abbr” and couldn’t find it, but I knew I had one and eventually tracked it down.

      Email if you need help:

      Gosh! I checked again, and the MM lists four acronym-related macros – check them out. e.g. AcronymAlyse lists them AND give the frequency!

  4. Hi Paul! For your IS to IZ macro, may I suggest these to your IS words list? Streetwise (and anything ending in -wise), and Larkrise.

  5. Hi Paul! This resource is amazing — thank you so much. Do you have a macro — or is it fairly simple to edit an existing one — to convert numbers to AP/some Chicago style: figures for 10 and up, words for zero through nine? I don’t see it in the book, but perhaps I missed it.

    Also, with NumberToText, I’m seeing inconsistent results — it makes 19,341 “nineteen,341” and 30,000 either “thirty,000” or “30,zero”.

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