How can I get started?

We’re not going to kid you that it’s easy getting started – but learning any new app or other technology has its challenges.

But there are ways to get help:

Learn the Essential Macro Skills
If you want to get started with macros, then download a copy of the Macros from Square One worksheet. Step by step it will teach you the essential skills for starting to use macros in your daily editing.

(If you would like the reassurance of a Zoom session, where you can ask questions about this first crucial step, email Paul to ask when the next free session is happening:

Now in both English and Spanish!

Macros from Square One (Mac)
Macros from Square One (PC)

Macros desde cero (Mac)
Macros desde cero (PC)

Learn to use FRedit
The single most powerful macro for editors is FRedit. You can use it even at its simplest level and gain speed in editing, so here’s how to get started:

FRedit from Square One

FRedit desde cero

For more details on FRedit, click here.

Learn to use MultiSwitch
Another very powerful macro for editors is MultiSwitch. You can use it even at its simplest level and gain speed in editing, so here’s how to get started:

MultiSwitch from Square One

All of the above are free, but if you want someone to offer personal help and encouragement, there’s EFA’s Word Macros A to Z course.

3 Replies to “How can I get started?”

  1. Thanks for your comment. Perhaps you could tell me what further information you’re looking for?

    Happy to help if I can.


    1. The blog is trying to offer you ways in which you can get started. The tab on my website “How can I get started” should point you in the right direction. No?

      But do email me if you have questions:

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